SWLearning/Data Communication(4)
Communication method
1. communication methods in LAN Most method in LAN communication is Uni-Cast, Which sends data to specific computer by including destination MAC address. Broad-Cast spreads data to all computers which on its group. Multi-Cast is the combination of Broad-Cast and Uni-Cast. That can sends to specific group, and it excepts other group. It means there's no effect to any other groups. 2. CRC example ..
2023.11.02 -
Network Configuration 2
Network connecting shape ( castle type ); Most Normally type of Net Configuration. Hub connects any other nodes, and its be located in center position. This means communication quality{ process ability, reliability } will be depended by hub. In addition, cable issue occurs only that route. Network enviroment will be safe in that situation. Frequency band is important to communicate with each env..
2023.11.02 -
Network Configuration
#Dummy hub Data transmission to other computers. It's just relaying network between them. Hub uses entire network bandwidth. So It means if you add more devices, they divide the capacity in limited resource. Conclusion : Network speed might be degraded when it exceeds threshold. That was called by "Network Traffic". (P.s. When you want to construct computer net, Make nodes below 10.) #Router Eve..
2023.11.02 -
About Network
네트워크는 전송 데이터를 패킷화한다. 패킷이란 일련의 데이터를 이진 문자 체계로 직렬화하여 보내는 것이다. 간단한 예시로 Jin이라는 문자를 누군가에게 보낸다고 가정을 해보자. J : 1001010 i : 1101001 n : 1101110 과 같이 문자열이 이진수로 변환된다. 이를 전송할때 '헤더'라고 지칭하는 데이터를 더해준다. ( 해당 교과목에서는 약식으로 문자열 순서에 따라 1, 2, 3이라고 가정을 한다. ) 이렇게 분할된 데이터를 홀수 패리티 방식을 적용해 전송한다. 전송된 데이터는 네트워크의 상황에 따라 랜덤하게 도착한다. 무작위로 흩뿌려진 데이터를 퍼즐조각처럼 끼워맞추기 위해 패킷의 헤더를 토대로 데이터를 재해석한다. 이와 같은 과정으로 수신자는 Jin이라는 원본 문자열을 그대로 받는다. ..